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First off our organization is 100% volunteer based. We work with strategic partners both in the US and in country so that we can best utilize every dollar that comes to us. Secondly, we provide detailed photos and info from our projects to ensure we are doing the work we say we are. We want you to know without a shadow of a doubt you are making a best decision to partner with us. Lastly, there is no such thing as too small a gift. We can use it for many different project levels.


$10/mo/1yr- Provides a biosand to a family in need.

Many families in this situation will have access to water in some way but need a way to purify it for their family. This is the best, economical way.


$100- Provides a biosand to a family in need.

Many families in this situation will have access to water in some way but need a way to purify it for their family. This is the best, economical way. With our Biosand Filter installations, we always ensure proper training on use of the filter along with basic sanitation and hygiene training and practices. There is always some kind of participant contribution to the program to ensure longevity and success of the project. One of the strengths of our organization is that we know water is the key to setting a floor on poverty alleviation. We also know that it takes more and we are working with partners in other areas of health and economy to come into the communities with us and really help transform.


$2,500- Provides a well repair.

Many communities that have received a borehole well from either the government or other NGOs did not receive the proper training to keep the sustainability model. We would not repair a well that we drilled initially. This project will include the proper training necessary to keep this project functioning.  There is always some kind of participant contribution to the program to ensure longevity and success of the project. One of the strengths of our organization is that we know water is the key to setting a floor on poverty alleviation. We also know that it takes more and we are working with partners in other areas of health and economy to come into the communities with us and really help transform.


$4,500- Provides a well project for a small community, orphanage or school.

Like with our Biosand Filter installations, we always ensure proper training on use of the well and pump along with basic sanitation and hygiene training and practices. There is always some kind of participant contribution to the program to ensure longevity and success of the project. One of the strengths of our organization is that we know water is the key to setting a floor on poverty alleviation. We also know that it takes more and we are working with partners in other areas of health and economy to come into the communities with us and really help transform.


And UP- Large Scale Community Project.

Once a large community is identified in need, sometimes a single borehole and hand pump might not be sufficient. In this scenario a deeper drill and power supplied pump may be necessary. This is usually geographically driven or populous. These types of projects usually will provide 1-3,000 people access to clean water. These are obviously more intensive and require substantially more funding and resources. These projects are usually around $35,000 and have a projected 30 year plan associated with them. All of the above sustainability and transformation programs apply. We work with local government and companies to assist with funding these projects.


Love Water 9530 Hageman Rd. Suite B #139 Bakersfield, CA 93312